Working Classicists

Back in 2021,  my partner and I founded a social enterprise called Working Classicists. Our goal was to close the class gap in Classics, Latin, and Ancient Studies, allowing pupils and enthusiasts from all backgrounds to have the same opportunities for study. 

Since launch, we have grown to encompass a wide community of people who have felt sidelined in academia for whatever reason, be it their class, financial circumstances, race, religion, gender, etc. 

We provide three main services: 

  •  Free resources, support, and outreach for schools and enthusiasts
  • A community of over 12.6k people on X/Twitter, and a thriving Discord of more than 150 members - allowing Working Classicists to network, chat, host clubs, and ask questions. 
  • A weekly spot in our online Zine, which has thousands of loyal readers, and allows writers and academics who struggle  due to their background to be professionally published, paid, and kickstart their career with our support. 

I currently act as social media manager and site editor for Working Classicists, and have grown our presence considerably in just a few years. We do regular giveaways, host an annual Working Classicists Awards ceremony, and have collaborated with various other social enterprises in the sector. I have just finished editing a book of over 100 unique entries about Greek mythology, which is scheduled for publication through Contubernales Books in Q4 2024.